Immersing Energetic Medicine into Health and Wellness Coaching

Gerard O'donovan
7 min readFeb 28, 2018


Here at the-Coaching Blog-run by Gerard O’Donovan, our aim is to constantly bring value to those seeking to improve their lives. Therefore we have a policy of publishing articles and materials by guest authors whom we value and appreciate. Today’s guest author is Natasha Old (Australia).

Coaching Kinesiology is adapted by utilizing the power of the mind in conjunction with theories of energetic medicine. It is a specialized form of Health and Wellness Coaching requiring the additional skills of kinesiology infused into traditional coaching method. Coaching kinesiology holds that there are many parts of our being that cannot be accessed through coaching alone including our energetic being or spiritual being. Although interchangeably our thoughts affect our body and emotions, an additional method that can communicate with our energy can complement coaching Kinesiology is a stress release system of healthcare based on eastern ‘energetic’ systems of medicine and western knowledge of physiology. Kinesiology is based on profound methods of healing that have their strength in 5000 years of historical theory and practice. For thousands of years cultures have delved into energetic forms of healing as mainstay, it was only in the advent of biomedicine that science became the epitome of healing beliefs in the Western world and seeping into the eastern world. Since that time most forms of healing have stayed with evidence based systems of medicine.

Coaching kinesiology also draws heavily on the power of intention in the creation of goals and how our thoughts create our reality. Cartesian dualism stated that the mind and body were unconnected entities and was the major belief system until Einstein proved the law of relativity (E=mc²). This law stated that energy and mass are interchangeable and therefore anything that contains mass had energy. This was the premature start of Noetic science that looks at the theory of thoughts in relation to physicality and the power of intention. Even the bible has references to the natural law of attraction in the psalm “Ask and you will receive”. Research shows that the brain regions involved in “intention” are very connected to those regions involved in action. Emoto’s water crystal experiments evidenced the connection between thoughts, words and physical structures showing that emotions such as hate grossly deformed water crystals. Perhaps one of the most recent notabilities is Lynn McTaggart whose Intention Experiments are becoming provocative in the science of the power of mind over matter.

We now know that the body and mind are interchangeable and therefore alternations in thinking effect our biology, we also know that the environment we put ourselves in directly effects our chemical composition. In the Neuroenergetic Kinesiology Triangle of health there are three dimensions that make up our being. These are the psychology aspects, energetic structures and anatomy and physiology. This theory states if one dimension is unbalanced it has an effect on the other two and if one then works on one side we are directly affecting the others.

In Coaching Kinesiology the psychological aspect of the being is represented by thoughts and emotions and worked on using coaching techniques. The anatomy and physiological component is based on addressing how stress related to the issue is affecting the body and its functioning. Finally the third element the energetic component, is addressed by the Coaching Kinesiologist through balancing the Chinese meridians and Indian Prahnic pathways known as Chakras and Nadis.

During a coaching kinesiology session the client both sits in the chair then assumes a prone position whilst the balance takes place. Atmosphere is very important and the session is generally carried out in a quiet location with perhaps some relaxation music and oils burning.

Although the actual process may vary between coaches the primary method of communicating with the body through “Muscle Testing” will remain the same. When the brain in communicating with the muscles, the motor neurons pathways work productively and our muscles react correctly to a given stimulus, but when stress is evident in the neural pathways our muscles give a weakened response. Due to this we are able to use the muscle to ask the body the location of any stress and the body will respond with a correct response. These differences in muscle response enable us to locate dysfunction in the body or any mental stress that may result in a suboptimal condition. Dr. David Hawkins an American psychiatrist and spiritual author Hawkins take teaches that any true/false statement can be tested with kinesiology and that there is a universal consciousness which knows the answer to all questions. Because we are connected to this higher consciousness when you hear an authentic statement your arm stays strong.

Coaching allows for breaking patterns, creating new neural pathways in the brain as new belief patterns are created. Coaching also allows the client’s story to be heard and also have the client have awareness for the proceeding kinesiology balance. For example brain formatting created by Hugo Tobar accesses the five neural processes in the brain concerned with fear, caring, panic, rage and seeking. It is useful to test this system and release any stress that may be held for the client here. Often releasing stress can peel another layer back for a client and then coaching once again can be used to further investigate the client’s issue.

Coaching and kinesiology hold many similarities and complement each other. Kinesiology like coaching has the client interpreting the information presented by the practitioner, for example if there is an imbalance in the throat chakra related to communication the practitioner informs the client who then makes sense of this. Kinesiology is strongly related to the intentional process, the intent is to manage an issue and release any stress around that issue. The process also encourages the client to take control and be responsible for any work that may be required after or between sessions. As with coaching, kinesiology allows the client to take the practitioner only as far as they feel safe. The kinesiologist can hold the client in a particular conversation having awareness of stress and then release stress when client not prepared to continue any further.

Generally, the coaching kinesiology process is a three-part session. The first part of the session is about identifying the issue, gaining some background and investigating the context of the situation. This can be conducted either through coaching alone or with the use of muscle testing in accompaniment to check for any stress along the way. Having the client communicate their story out loud allows the energy and emotion of the situation to be in the space and the client’s presence. Following this the practitioner will scan the body using muscle testing to see where the client is holding stress, this can include holding stress in our emotions, thoughts, spiritual being, soul and higher self planes of consciousness. As stress is then released using tuning forks, acupressure, or affirmations the client progresses into a deeper relaxation state. From experience this space allows the brain to switch off and the client can experience insights pertinent to the coaching session. As their energy is shifting during the session the client often has a deepened awareness of what they need to do. People have described this state as similar to meditation or a light hypnotic state, although the practitioner has not used any hypnosis training or suggestion on the client. At the conclusion of the balance the client generally feels relaxed and homework is set for the intervening time before the next session.

Currently there are very few courses that teach Coaching Kinesiology and the creation of such a role is through the integration of separate Coaching and kinesiology training. Kinesiologists do have a licensing body and Code of Ethics similar to those defined by the International Coaching Federation. Unfortunately like any hatching industry kinesiology has almost no research to support its usage. The little research that has been done is often related to kinesiology the study of movement or trials have been poorly designed with inconsistent results. Although some literature refutes the legitimacy of kinesiology, it must be considered that such a modality is difficult to quantify using scientific techniques to date. There is no technology currently that can test the presence or alterations in energy, however subjectively as humans, we can certainly feel the change. The evidence must be considered in terms of alterations in how we think, act and feel after treatments. It appears that energetic connections that are unseen are therefore not valid in a scientifically dominated society. Likewise coaching outcomes are often measured in pattern and behavioral changes, most often only obvious to the client. It is important to acknowledge the desired outcome as often Coaching kinesiology sessions hit unfamiliar territory during the course of a session. Unfamiliar territory is often where the most valuable work takes place.

As individuals look for new methods of reaching goals and working towards a life they wish to live, new techniques are being integrated into traditional coaching. Coaching kinesiology is one such model that allows for coaches to not only coach their client but also to release stress along the way resulting empowering results.

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